Man and his company found guilty of illegally fishing and selling sea cucumbers, evading licenses. El hombre y su compañía fueron encontrados culpables de pescar ilegalmente y vender pepinos de mar, evadiendo licencias.
A Nanaimo man, Scott Stanley Matthew Steer, and his company, 1215419 B.C. Un hombre de Nanaimo, Scott Stanley Matthew Steer, y su compañía, 1215419 a.C. Ltd., were found guilty of illegally fishing and selling sea cucumbers without a license between 2019 and 2020. Ltd., fueron encontrados culpables de pesca ilegal y venta de pepinos de mar sin licencia entre 2019 y 2020. They violated previous court orders and were arrested in March 2020 for illegal crab fishing. Violaron órdenes judiciales anteriores y fueron arrestados en marzo de 2020 por pesca ilegal de cangrejos. The court ruled the company was a sham set up to evade legal prohibitions. El tribunal dictaminó que la empresa era una farsa establecida para evadir las prohibiciones legales. Sentencing dates are expected to be set on January 13. Se espera que las fechas de sentencia se fijen el 13 de enero.