
Discover What Matters in a Swipe

Dive into the world's top 1,000 stories daily, handpicked for global significance. With Helm, you're not just reading the news; you're uncovering the pulse of the planet.

Simplify Your News Journey

Tired of endless scrolling? Helm offers bite-sized one-sentence summaries. Find a story that intrigues you? Tap for a crisp paragraph with just the essentials. Crave more? Immerse yourself in comprehensive analysis and perspectives from over 20,000 sources, including Wikipedia, IMDB, and more.

Detail Page App Screenshot

Gamify Your News Experience (App Only)

Built-in habit tracking and social scoreboard to encourage consistency and continuous improvement. Compete with friends, earn points for daily news reading, and climb up the ranks. Stay motivated and connected in your quest for knowledge.

Social Page App Screenshot

Instant Translation and Audio (App Only)

Helm enriches your language learning with Tap to Translate and Tap to Listen features. Instantly understand and hear sentences in any of the 10 supported languages.

Comprehensible input is crucial for mastering a new language.

Tap to translate app screen recordingTap to listen app screen recording