NIA adds charges against ninth suspect in Bengaluru terror case linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba. NIA añade cargos contra el noveno sospechoso en el caso de terror de Bengaluru vinculado a Lashkar-e-Taiba.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed supplementary charges against Vikram Kumar, the ninth suspect in a Bengaluru terror case linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). La Agencia Nacional de Investigación (NIA) ha presentado cargos complementarios contra Vikram Kumar, el noveno sospechoso en un caso de terror de Bengaluru vinculado a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Kumar, from Bihar, is accused of delivering arms and digital devices, including walkie-talkies, to radicalized individuals in Bengaluru. Kumar, de Bihar, es acusado de entregar armas y dispositivos digitales, incluyendo walkie-talkies, a individuos radicalizados en Bengaluru. The case involves a conspiracy to promote LeT's goal of disrupting India's unity and security. El caso involucra una conspiración para promover el objetivo de LeT de perturbar la unidad y seguridad de la India. The NIA has previously charged eight others and continues to investigate the source of the weapons. La NIA ha acusado anteriormente a otros ocho y continúa investigando la fuente de las armas.