Wisconsin fast-food chains, including McDonald's and Burger King, use cheese in burgers that's not considered real by the FDA. Las cadenas de comida rápida de Wisconsin, incluyendo McDonald's y Burger King, utilizan queso en hamburguesas que la FDA no considera reales.
Four popular fast-food chains in Wisconsin, including McDonald's, Burger King, and Dairy Queen, are using cheese in their cheeseburgers that is not considered real cheese by the FDA. Cuatro cadenas populares de comida rápida en Wisconsin, incluyendo McDonald's, Burger King y Dairy Queen, están usando queso en sus hamburguesas con queso que la FDA no considera queso real. McDonald's and Burger King use processed American cheese, while Dairy Queen uses a cheese that is only 51% real, with the rest being fillers. McDonald's y Burger King utilizan queso americano procesado, mientras que Dairy Queen utiliza un queso que es sólo el 51% real, con el resto siendo rellenos. This has raised concerns about what customers are actually eating. Esto ha suscitado preocupación acerca de lo que los clientes están comiendo en realidad.