Colin Fitzgibbon of ACK Contractors was sentenced to home detention for submitting fraudulent invoices. Colin Fitzgibbon de ACK Contractors fue sentenciado a detención domiciliaria por presentar facturas fraudulentas.
Colin Fitzgibbon, director of ACK Contractors Limited in New Zealand, has been sentenced to nine months of home detention and ordered to pay NZ$83,563.65 in reparations for submitting fraudulent invoices totaling $668,392.95 to FIFO Capital between January and March 2020. Colin Fitzgibbon, director de ACK Contractors Limited en Nueva Zelanda, ha sido sentenciado a nueve meses de detención domiciliaria y condenado a pagar 83.563,65 dólares neozelandeses en reparaciones por presentar facturas fraudulentas por un total de 668.392,95 dólares a FIFO Capital entre enero y marzo de 2020. The invoices secured funds for the company, but were deemed fraudulent by both HEB Construction and the Christchurch Northern Corridor Alliance. Las facturas aseguraron fondos para la empresa, pero fueron consideradas fraudulentas tanto por HEB Construction como por Christchurch Northern Corridor Alliance. The company is still liable for unpaid debts to creditors. La empresa sigue siendo responsable de las deudas impagadas con los acreedores.