Global banana crops face threat from TR4 strain of Fusarium oxysporum fungus, attacking Cavendish bananas.

Banana crops face a global threat from a fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, causing Fusarium wilt of bananas (FWB). The TR4 strain of this fungus, which attacks Cavendish bananas, has a different evolutionary origin and accessory genome compared to the strain that killed Gros Michel bananas in the past. The TR4 strain releases nitric oxide, a toxic gas, to disarm the plant's defense system and infect the plant. To combat the fungus, scientists suggest growing various banana varieties to reduce disease pressure on a single crop and developing or identifying banana varieties resistant to TR4. Collaboration among scientists, farmers, industry, and consumers worldwide is crucial to avoid future shortages of bananas and other crops.

August 16, 2024
22 Articles