Thirteen cows were rescued from the sea off Jersey; one did not survive the high tide and strong winds. Trece vacas fueron rescatadas del mar frente a Jersey; una no sobrevivió a la marea alta y a los fuertes vientos.
Thirteen cows were rescued off the coast of Jersey after they got stranded in the sea due to high tide, with one cow not surviving. Trece vacas fueron rescatadas frente a la costa de Jersey después de quedar varadas en el mar debido a la marea alta, y una vaca no sobrevivió. The cows had walked along the beach but were blown out to sea by strong winds. Las vacas habían caminado a lo largo de la playa, pero fueron voladas al mar por fuertes vientos. Firefighters and the RNLI worked together to rescue them, using ropes to tow the animals to shore. Los bomberos y el RNLI trabajaron juntos para rescatarlos, usando cuerdas para remolcar a los animales a la costa. Rescuers used blankets to keep the cows warm after they were saved. Los rescatistas usaron mantas para mantener las vacas calientes después de que fueron salvadas.