Two 12-year-olds died and one was hurt in a utility vehicle crash near their Georgia school. Dos niños de 12 años murieron y uno resultó herido en un accidente de un vehículo utilitario cerca de su escuela en Georgia.
Two 12-year-old boys from Morgan County Middle School in Georgia were killed and another was injured when their utility vehicle struck a parked trailer. Dos niños de 12 años de la Escuela Secundaria del Condado Morgan en Georgia murieron y otro resultó herido cuando su vehículo utilitario golpeó un remolque aparcado. The Georgia State Patrol is investigating the accident on Old Buckhead Road. La patrulla estatal de Georgia está investigando el accidente en Old Buckhead Road. The community, including school officials, expressed condolences and provided counselors for affected students and staff. La comunidad, incluidos los funcionarios escolares, expresó sus condolencias y proporcionó consejeros a los estudiantes y al personal afectados.