Hitchcock High School staff member diagnosed with tuberculosis; 120 potentially exposed individuals to be tested. Miembro del personal de Hitchcock High School diagnosticado con tuberculosis; 120 individuos potencialmente expuestos a ser analizados.
A Hitchcock High School staff member has been diagnosed with active tuberculosis and is being treated in a local hospital. Un miembro del personal de Hitchcock High School ha sido diagnosticado con tuberculosis activa y está siendo tratado en un hospital local. The Galveston County Health District is investigating and has identified about 120 students and staff potentially exposed, who will be contacted for testing. El Distrito de Salud del Condado de Galveston está investigando y ha identificado a unos 120 estudiantes y personal potencialmente expuestos, a los que se contactará para realizar pruebas. Though the risk of transmission is considered low, the health district is overseeing the situation and providing updates. Aunque se considera que el riesgo de transmisión es bajo, el distrito de salud supervisa la situación y proporciona actualizaciones.