Report highlights surge in violence against Catholic priests in Mexico, with 80 killed since 1990. El informe destaca un aumento de la violencia contra los sacerdotes católicos en México, con 80 muertos desde 1990.
A report by the Catholic Multimedia Center (CCM) in Mexico highlights the alarming increase in violence against Catholic priests, with 80 priests murdered since 1990. Un informe del Centro Multimedia Católico (CCM) en México pone de relieve el alarmante aumento de la violencia contra los sacerdotes católicos, con 80 sacerdotes asesinados desde 1990. During President López Obrador's six-year term, 10 priests were killed, and nearly 900 cases of extortion and death threats against church members were recorded. Durante el mandato de seis años del presidente López Obrador, 10 sacerdotes fueron asesinados, y se registraron casi 900 casos de extorsión y amenazas de muerte contra miembros de la iglesia. The report also documents attacks on bishops and church buildings, urging the government to take action to protect religious leaders. El informe también documenta ataques a obispos y edificios eclesiásticos, instando al gobierno a tomar medidas para proteger a los líderes religiosos.