Florida man arrested for lying about identity during traffic stop, drugs found in his car. Hombre de Florida arrestado por mentir sobre identidad durante la parada de tráfico, drogas encontradas en su coche.
A 54-year-old Florida man, Richard Hallmark, was arrested after lying about his identity during a traffic stop, claiming his name was Robert Hallmark and that he had a brother named Robert. Un hombre de 54 años de Florida, Richard Hallmark, fue arrestado después de mentir sobre su identidad durante una parada de tráfico, afirmando que su nombre era Robert Hallmark y que tenía un hermano llamado Robert. He admitted to lying due to an outstanding warrant. Admitió haber mentido debido a una orden pendiente. The officer found marijuana and methamphetamine in his vehicle, resulting in Hallmark facing two felony charges and three misdemeanors. El oficial encontró marihuana y metanfetamina en su vehículo, resultando en Hallmark enfrentando dos cargos por delitos graves y tres delitos menores.