Study finds TasP and PrEP reduce BC HIV/AIDS deaths and new infections by over 90%, while Canada experiences a 24.9% increase in new HIV diagnoses in 2022.

A two-pronged approach combining Treatment as Prevention (TasP) and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) can reduce HIV/AIDS-related deaths and new infections by over 90%, according to a study by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. Implementing TasP and targeted PrEP strategies has reduced HIV/AIDS-related mortality by 95% and HIV new infections by 91% in British Columbia since 1996. Despite this, Canada has seen a 24.9% increase in new HIV diagnoses in 2022 over 2021, making it the only G7 country with a rising HIV/AIDS rate. The study emphasizes the importance of governments implementing these strategies to reach the goal of an HIV-free generation.

8 months ago
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