2 teenage girls died while swimming at Coney Island Beach, Brooklyn, during a rainstorm. Dos adolescentes murieron mientras nadaban en Coney Island Beach, Brooklyn, durante una tormenta.
2 teenage girls died while swimming at Coney Island Beach in Brooklyn, New York, during a rainstorm that caused most beachgoers to seek shelter. Dos adolescentes murieron mientras nadaban en la playa de Coney Island en Brooklyn, Nueva York, durante una tormenta que obligó a la mayoría de los bañistas a buscar refugio. The girls, aged 17 and 18, went into the water and were not seen again. Las chicas, de 17 y 18 años, cayeron al agua y no fueron vistas más. Police divers found them in the ocean and transported them to NYC Health and Hospitals/Coney Island, where they were pronounced dead. Los buzos de la policía los encontraron en el océano y los transportaron a NYC Health and Hospitals/Coney Island, donde fueron declarados muertos. The investigation into the incident is ongoing. La investigación sobre el incidente está en curso.