Whitehorse General Hospital cancels 75 surgeries due to sterilization issues with instruments. Whitehorse General Hospital cancela 75 cirugías debido a problemas de esterilización con los instrumentos.
Whitehorse General Hospital has canceled about 75 surgeries over the past few days due to issues with sterilizing surgical instruments. Whitehorse General Hospital ha cancelado alrededor de 75 cirugías en los últimos días debido a problemas con instrumentos quirúrgicos esterilizadores. The hospital is investigating the cause and has prioritized emergency surgeries. El hospital está investigando la causa y ha priorizado cirugías de emergencia. While some progress has been made, the problem remains unresolved, and there is no timeline for a full fix. Si bien se han logrado algunos progresos, el problema sigue sin resolverse y no existe un calendario para una solución completa. The issue has sparked discussions about the need for updated surgical infrastructure at the hospital. El tema ha suscitado discusiones acerca de la necesidad de una infraestructura quirúrgica actualizada en el hospital.