Six individuals, including a minor, are charged with drug trafficking offenses in a gang-related case in Burnaby. Seis individuos, entre ellos un menor, son acusados de delitos de tráfico de drogas en un caso relacionado con pandillas en Burnaby.
Six individuals, including Ryan Naidu, Preshika Chand, Austin Reddy, Nabil Dean, and an unnamed minor, have been charged with 36 drug-related offenses following an eight-month investigation by Burnaby RCMP. Seis individuos, incluyendo Ryan Naidu, Preshika Chand, Austin Reddy, Nabil Dean, y un menor sin nombre, han sido acusados de 36 delitos relacionados con drogas tras una investigación de ocho meses por Burnaby RCMP. The group, part of Lower Mainland gangs involved in a gang conflict, was responsible for trafficking drugs like cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. El grupo, que formaba parte de bandas de la Baja China continental involucradas en un conflicto de pandillas, era responsable del tráfico de drogas como cocaína, heroína y fentanilo. One suspect, Douglas Atkins, remains at large with an outstanding arrest warrant. Un sospechoso, Douglas Atkins, sigue prófugo con una orden de arresto pendiente.