RCMP responding to possible standoff in Maple Ridge, streets closed near Brown Avenue. RCMP respondiendo a un posible enfrentamiento en Maple Ridge, calles cerradas cerca de la avenida Brown.
Police are responding to a possible standoff in downtown Maple Ridge on Sunday night, with multiple streets closed off. La policía está respondiendo a un posible enfrentamiento en el centro de Maple Ridge el domingo por la noche, con múltiples calles cerradas. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and their Emergency Response Team (ERT) are on the scene, with witnesses reporting hearing flash bangs and smelling tear gas. La Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) y su equipo de respuesta de emergencia (ERT) están en la escena, con testigos que reportan haber oído golpes y oler gases lacrimógenos. The incident is happening in a residential area near Brown Avenue, west of 224th Street, behind the Royal Canadian Legion. El incidente está ocurriendo en una zona residencial cerca de Brown Avenue, al oeste de la calle 224, detrás de la Royal Canadian Legion.