Richard Mantha, accused of assaulting seven women, resumes his trial in May after a stroke. Richard Mantha, acusado de agredir a siete mujeres, reanuda su juicio en mayo tras un derrame cerebral.
Richard Robert Mantha, accused of sexually assaulting seven women in Calgary, is set to resume his trial in May. Richard Robert Mantha, acusado de agredir sexualmente a siete mujeres en Calgary, está previsto que reanude su juicio en mayo. Facing 20 charges including kidnapping and sexual assault, Mantha's trial was delayed after he fired his lawyer and suffered a stroke. Enfrentado a 20 cargos, incluyendo secuestro y agresión sexual, el juicio de Mantha se retrasó después de despedir a su abogado y sufrir un derrame cerebral. Despite reduced verbal skills, a forensic psychiatrist deemed him fit to stand trial, a decision upheld by Justice Judith Shriar, who found him capable of communicating with his lawyer through gestures and writing. A pesar de sus habilidades verbales reducidas, un psiquiatra forense lo consideró apto para ser juzgado, decisión confirmada por la jueza Judith Shriar, quien lo encontró capaz de comunicarse con su abogado a través de gestos y escritura.