A CRPF officer in Jammu and Kashmir was found dead, allegedly having taken his own life with his service rifle. Un oficial de la CRPF en Jammu y Cachemira fue encontrado muerto, presuntamente habiendo tomado su propia vida con su rifle de servicio.
A 55-year-old CRPF Assistant Sub-Inspector, Rajnath Prasad from Bihar, allegedly took his own life with his service rifle at a makeshift CRPF picket along the Tarakote route in Jammu and Kashmir's Reasi district. Un subinspector auxiliar del CRPF de 55 años, Rajnath Prasad, de Bihar, supuestamente se quitó la vida con su rifle de servicio en un piquete improvisado del CRPF a lo largo de la ruta Tarakote en el distrito de Reasi de Jammu y Cachemira. His colleagues found him dead after hearing a gunshot. Sus colegas lo encontraron muerto tras oír un disparo. Police have initiated an investigation into the incident, but the motive behind his actions remains unclear. La policía ha iniciado una investigación sobre el incidente, pero el motivo de sus acciones sigue sin estar claro.