Two boys, ages 8 and 11, were seriously injured by a car while biking in Girrawheen, Australia. Dos niños, de 8 y 11 años de edad, resultaron gravemente heridos por un coche mientras circulaban en bicicleta en Girawheen, Australia.
Two boys, aged 8 and 11, were seriously injured after being hit by a black Mitsubishi Pajero while riding their bikes on Amberton Avenue in Girrawheen, Western Australia. Dos niños, de 8 y 11 años, resultaron gravemente heridos tras ser golpeados por un negro Mitsubishi Pajero mientras montaban sus bicicletas en la avenida Amberton en Girawheen, Australia Occidental. The incident occurred around 5:15 pm on October 20, 2021. El incidente ocurrió alrededor de las 5:15 pm del 20 de octubre de 2021. The 39-year-old male driver was uninjured. El conductor masculino de 39 años no sufrió heridas. Both boys were taken to Perth Children's Hospital for treatment, with one in critical condition. Ambos niños fueron llevados al Hospital Infantil de Perth para tratamiento, con uno en estado crítico. The WA Police are investigating the crash and have appealed for witnesses. La policía de WA está investigando el accidente y ha apelado por testigos.