A 17-year-old from Strongsville died in a car crash on West River Road in Columbia Township, Ohio. Un joven de 17 años de Strongsville murió en un accidente de coche en West River Road en Columbia Township, Ohio.
A 17-year-old boy from Strongsville died in a car crash in Columbia Township, Ohio, late Sunday. Un chico de 17 años de Strongsville murió en un accidente de coche en Columbia Township, Ohio, a finales del domingo. The accident happened when his car veered off West River Road while making a curve, hitting a guardrail and falling down an embankment. El accidente ocurrió cuando su coche se alejó de West River Road mientras hacía una curva, golpeando una barandilla y cayendo por un terraplén. Despite wearing a seatbelt, the teen was fatally injured and pronounced dead at Southwest General Health Center. A pesar de llevar un cinturón de seguridad, el adolescente resultó fatalmente herido y declarado muerto en el Southwest General Health Center. The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the incident. La Patrulla Estatal de Carreteras de Ohio está investigando el incidente.