BC Wildfire Service fights out-of-control wildfire near Kitimat, BC, discovered on 17 August. BC Wildfire Service lucha contra los incendios forestales fuera de control cerca de Kitimat, BC, descubierto el 17 de agosto.
The BC Wildfire Service is actively combating an out-of-control wildfire near Kitimat, BC, discovered on 17 August. El BC Wildfire Service está combatiendo activamente un incendio forestal fuera de control cerca de Kitimat, BC, descubierto el 17 de agosto. Located about 3 km north of Hirsch Creek Park, the fire has covered 0.009 hectares. Situado a unos 3 km al norte del parque Hirsch Creek, el fuego ha cubierto 0.009 hectáreas. The wildfire service's full response is due to the fire's proximity to the Kitimat community. La respuesta completa del servicio de incendios forestales se debe a la proximidad del incendio a la comunidad Kitimat.