Fire at Alexian Village retirement home in Tennessee likely caused by lightning, 450 residents evacuated, no injuries. Incendio en la residencia de ancianos Alexian Village en Tennessee probablemente causado por un rayo; 450 residentes fueron evacuados y no hubo heridos.
A fire broke out at the Alexian Village retirement home on Signal Mountain, Tennessee, likely caused by a lightning strike during strong thunderstorms. Se produjo un incendio en la casa de retiro Alexian Village en Signal Mountain, Tennessee, probablemente causado por la caída de un rayo durante fuertes tormentas. The fire occurred in the dining hall and main kitchen building, with 450 residents evacuated as a precaution. El incendio se produjo en el comedor y en el edificio de la cocina principal, y 450 residentes fueron evacuados como medida de precaución. Firefighters had the fire under control by 10:45 a.m., no injuries were reported, and power was restored by 11:30 a.m. Fire officials are investigating the cause of the fire. Los bomberos controlaron el incendio a las 10:45 a. m., no se reportaron heridos y la energía se restableció a las 11:30 a. m. Los bomberos están investigando la causa del incendio.