31 March, San Jose State University campus arson investigation seeks a 5'8"-6' tall, late 20s-early 30s suspect wearing distinctive clothing and carrying a red lighter.
San Jose State University police and Cal Fire's Office of the State Fire Marshal are investigating a March 31 arson on campus, seeking a light-skinned, medium-built suspect aged late 20s-early 30s, 5'8"-6' tall, 150-180 lbs. The suspect wore distinctive clothing, including a black hoodie, mirrored sunglasses, a red tube top, dark blue pants, black shoes, and carried a tan strapped bag and a red lighter. The public is asked to contact SJSU police at 408-924-2222 or the Arson and Bomb Unit at 213-302-5855 with any information.
12 months ago
3 Articles