South Carolina Highway Patrol searches for driver who hit bicyclist and fled on Highway 1008 near Edgewood Road, causing great bodily injuries. La Patrulla de Caminos de Carolina del Sur busca al conductor que atropelló a un ciclista y huyó por la autopista 1008 cerca de Edgewood Road, causándole graves lesiones corporales.
The South Carolina Highway Patrol is searching for a driver who hit a bicyclist and fled on Highway 1008 near Edgewood Road in Horry County. La Patrulla de Caminos de Carolina del Sur está buscando a un conductor que atropelló a un ciclista y huyó por la autopista 1008 cerca de Edgewood Road en el condado de Horry. The incident occurred at 12:15 a.m. on Saturday, causing "great bodily injuries" to the cyclist. El incidente se produjo a las 0.15 horas del sábado, provocando "grandes lesiones corporales" al ciclista. The unknown vehicle was traveling west on the highway. El vehículo desconocido viajaba hacia el oeste por la carretera. Anyone with information is asked to call the highway patrol at 843-661-4705. Cualquier persona que tenga información debe llamar a la patrulla de carreteras al 843-661-4705.