Idaho state parole board upheld Thomas Creech's death sentence for five murders, rejecting his request for clemency in a 3-3 vote, and Governor Brad Little confirmed he will remain on death row.

On 2024-01-30, the state parole board upheld the death sentence of Idaho serial killer Thomas Creech, who was convicted of five murders and is suspected of several others across the Western U.S. Creech's request for clemency was denied by the Commission of Pardons and Parole in a 3-3 vote, maintaining his death sentence as a majority did not support allowing him to die of natural causes. Supporters of Creech, including former state prison workers and a current corrections officer, had advocated for his death sentence to be changed to life in prison after nearly five decades of incarceration. Idaho Governor Brad Little also stated that Creech would remain on death row.

January 30, 2024
6 Articles