Judge Loraine Barry misses "Dancing with the Stars" due to her mother's recent death. La jueza Loraine Barry echa de menos "Dancing with the Stars" debido a la reciente muerte de su madre.
Judge Loraine Barry of "Dancing with the Stars" will not appear on this week's show due to the recent passing of her mother, Caroline. La Jueza Loraine Barry de "Dancing with the Stars" no aparecerá en el programa de esta semana debido al reciente fallecimiento de su madre, Caroline. Barry shared the news on Instagram, and the show's producers expressed condolences to her and her family. Barry compartió la noticia en Instagram, y los productores del programa expresaron sus condolencias a ella y a su familia. The episode will proceed with the remaining judges, Brian Redmond, Arthur Gourounlian, and Karen Byrne, judging the contestants' performances for Movie Week. El episodio continuará con los jueces restantes, Brian Redmond, Arthur Gourounlian y Karen Byrne, juzgando las actuaciones de los concursantes para Movie Week.