Karen Byrne, a two-time Dancing with the Stars winner, will join the show's judging panel in January 2025. Karen Byrne, dos veces ganadora de Dancing with the Stars, se unirá al panel de jueces del show en enero de 2025.
Professional dancer and two-time winner of Dancing with the Stars, Karen Byrne, will join the judging panel for the show's upcoming eighth season in January 2025, alongside judges Loraine Barry, Brian Redmond, and Arthur Gourounlian. La bailarina profesional y dos veces ganadora de Dancing with the Stars, Karen Byrne, se unirá al panel de jueces para la próxima octava temporada del espectáculo en enero de 2025, junto a los jueces Loraine Barry, Brian Redmond y Arthur Gourounlian. Byrne, who won the glitterball trophy in 2018 and 2024, will return to the show she has danced on for seven seasons. Byrne, que ganó el trofeo de glitterball en 2018 y 2024, volverá al espectáculo en el que ha bailado durante siete temporadas. The first celebrity contestant for the new season will be announced on December 9th, with Jennifer Zamparelli and Doireann Garrihy set to host. La primera concursante de celebridades para la nueva temporada se anunciará el 9 de diciembre, con Jennifer Zamparelli y Doireann Garrihy programadas para acoger.