Eight died and seven were injured in a fire at a Serbian nursing home; arson is suspected. Ocho murieron y siete resultaron heridos en un incendio en un asilo serbio; se sospecha que se produjo un incendio provocado.
Eight people died and seven were injured in a fire at a nursing home in Barajevo, near Belgrade, Serbia, that broke out around 3:30 a.m. on Monday. Ocho personas murieron y siete resultaron heridas en un incendio en un asilo de ancianos en Barajevo, cerca de Belgrado, Serbia, que estalló alrededor de las 3:30 de la mañana del lunes. The home housed around 30 residents at the time. La casa albergaba a unos 30 residentes en ese momento. Serbian Social Care Minister Nemanja Starovic suspects the fire was caused by arson, though police have not yet released an official statement. El ministro de Asistencia Social de Serbia, Nemanja Starovic, sospecha que el incendio fue causado por un incendio provocado, aunque la policía aún no ha emitido una declaración oficial. The injured were taken to hospitals in Belgrade. Los heridos fueron llevados a hospitales de Belgrado.