A fire at the Orient restaurant in East Kilbride led to the evacuation of nearby businesses but caused no injuries. Un incendio en el restaurante Orient en East Kilbride llevó a la evacuación de negocios cercanos, pero no causó heridos.
A significant fire broke out at the Orient restaurant in Westwood Square, East Kilbride, on January 15 at around 5:30 pm. Un incendio significativo estalló en el restaurante Orient en Westwood Square, East Kilbride, el 15 de enero alrededor de las 5:30 pm. Three fire trucks responded, with a fourth sent for additional support. Respondieron tres camiones de bomberos, y un cuarto solicitó apoyo adicional. Redcliffe Drive was closed for about three hours before reopening. Redcliffe Drive estuvo cerrada durante unas tres horas antes de la reapertura. Emergency services confirmed there were no reported injuries, and the fire is not considered suspicious. Los servicios de emergencia confirmaron que no se informó de heridos, y el incendio no se considera sospechoso. Nearby businesses like Glass beauty salon and Tesco Metro were evacuated but reported no damage. Negocios cercanos como el salón de belleza Glass y el metro Tesco fueron evacuados, pero no reportaron daños. The cause of the fire remains unknown. La causa del incendio sigue siendo desconocida.