Appeals court revives lawsuit against N.C. State over alleged sexual abuse by sports official. El tribunal de apelación reaviva la demanda contra el Estado por presunto abuso sexual por parte de un funcionario deportivo.
An appeals court has revived a lawsuit against North Carolina State University (N.C. State), filed by a former athlete alleging sexual abuse by the university's former sports medicine director, Robert Murphy Jr. Un tribunal de apelaciones ha revivido una demanda contra la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte (N.C. State), presentada por un ex atleta alegando abuso sexual por el ex director de medicina deportiva de la universidad, Robert Murphy Jr. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court's dismissal, stating that the school might have received "actual notice" of the abuse through a senior official being informed of suspicious behavior. La Corte de Apelaciones del Cuarto Circuito revocó el despido de un tribunal inferior, declarando que la escuela podría haber recibido "anuncio real" del abuso a través de un alto funcionario siendo informado de un comportamiento sospechoso. The case will now proceed to the district court. El caso pasará ahora al tribunal de distrito.