Rosa Ross, a 14-year-old cancer survivor, wins "Boundary Breaker of the Year" for helping other young patients. Rosa Ross, una sobreviviente de cáncer de 14 años, gana "Boundary Breaker of the Year" por ayudar a otros pacientes jóvenes.
Rosa Ross, a 14-year-old cancer survivor, was named "Boundary Breaker of the Year" at the Duke of Edinburgh's Award charity event. Rosa Ross, una sobreviviente de cáncer de 14 años de edad, fue nombrada "Boundary Breaker of the Year" en el evento de caridad Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Despite her diagnosis, Rosa continued her Duke of Edinburgh Award by organizing activities for other young cancer patients and using her physiotherapy sessions to sing, which helped her lung capacity. A pesar de su diagnóstico, Rosa continuó con su Premio Duke of Edinburgh organizando actividades para otros pacientes jóvenes con cáncer y utilizando sus sesiones de fisioterapia para cantar, lo que ayudó a su capacidad pulmonar. Her resilience and selflessness were highlighted at the awards ceremony. Su resiliencia y altruismo fueron destacados en la ceremonia de entrega de premios.