Five unprepared hikers, including one with an injured ankle, were rescued from near-hypothermia on Scafell Pike. Cinco excursionistas no preparados, incluido uno con un tobillo herido, fueron rescatados de casi hipotermia en Scafell Pike.
Five inexperienced walkers, including a man with an injured ankle, were rescued from Scafell Pike in the Lake District after reporting they were near hypothermia. Cinco caminantes inexpertos, entre ellos un hombre con un tobillo herido, fueron rescatados de Scafell Pike en el distrito de Lake después de informar que estaban cerca de la hipotermia. Misnavigating off the summit, they were found and assisted by the Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team and a Coastguard helicopter. El equipo de rescate de la montaña Wasdale y un helicóptero de guardacostas los encontraron y los ayudaron a salir de la cumbre. The incident highlighted the dangers of winter hiking without proper preparation. El incidente puso de relieve los peligros del senderismo en invierno sin una preparación adecuada.