The 2025 Pennsylvania Farm Show's 1,000-pound butter sculpture showcases a dairy farm and energy theme. La escultura de 1.000 libras de mantequilla del Pennsylvania Farm Show de 2025 muestra una granja lechera y un tema energético.
The 109th Pennsylvania Farm Show unveiled its 2025 butter sculpture, weighing 1,000 pounds and themed "Powering Pennsylvania," featuring a dairy cow and a methane digester on a farm backdrop. El 109th Pennsylvania Farm Show presentó su escultura de mantequilla de 2025, con un peso de 1,000 libras y el tema "Powering Pennsylvania", con una vaca lechera y un digestor de metano en un telón de fondo de granja. Crafted by artists Jim Victor and Marie Pelton, the sculpture will be on display from January 4th to 11th. Creada por los artistas Jim Victor y Marie Pelton, la escultura estará en exhibición del 4 al 11 de enero. The butter, donated by Land O'Lakes, will be recycled into energy after the event. La mantequilla, donada por Land O'Lakes, será reciclada en energía después del evento.