Eight criminals from Herts sentenced for severe crimes including multiple murders and attempted murder in 2024. Ocho criminales de Herts sentenciados por delitos graves, incluyendo múltiples asesinatos e intento de asesinato en 2024.
Eight criminals from Herts were sentenced in 2024 for severe crimes, including murder and attempted murder. Ocho criminales de Herts fueron sentenciados en 2024 por delitos graves, incluyendo asesinato e intento de asesinato. Notable cases include Scott Paterson, who received life for murdering and dismembering his landlady; Patrick Sharp-Meade, jailed life for stabbing a teenager; and Robert Brown, sentenced life for killing and burning a victim. Entre los casos notables figuran Scott Paterson, que recibió la vida por asesinar y desmembrar a su casera; Patrick Sharp-Meade, encarcelado por apuñalar a un adolescente; y Robert Brown, condenado a cadena perpetua por matar y quemar a una víctima. Four others were sentenced for a murder and one for attempted murder. Otros cuatro fueron sentenciados por un asesinato y uno por intento de asesinato.