Woman critically injured in SUV crash at I-35/Hwy 65 interchange in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Mujer gravemente herida en el accidente de SUV en el intercambio I-35/Hwy 65 en Albert Lea, Minnesota.
A 48-year-old woman from Albert Lea, Minnesota, Nyabang G Nyuon, is critically injured after a crash on Thursday afternoon at the Interstate 35/Hwy 65 interchange. Una mujer de 48 años de edad de Albert Lea, Minnesota, Nyabang G Nyuon, es gravemente herida después de un accidente el jueves por la tarde en el intercambio interestatal 35/Hwy 65. She was driving a southbound SUV that collided with a northbound car. Ella conducía un SUV hacia el sur que chocó con un coche hacia el norte. Nyuon and her 14-year-old passenger, who were wearing seat belts, were hospitalized, with Nyuon in life-threatening condition and the boy with non-life-threatening injuries. Nyuon y su pasajero de 14 años, que llevaban cinturones de seguridad, fueron hospitalizados, con Nyuon en estado de riesgo vital y el niño con lesiones no mortales. The 17-year-old car driver was not injured. El conductor del coche de 17 años no resultó herido. Alcohol was not a factor, and the roads were wet at the time. El alcohol no era un factor, y las carreteras estaban húmedas en ese momento.