Two cyclists were seriously injured by a hit-and-run motorbike in New Zealand; police seek footage. Dos ciclistas resultaron gravemente heridos por una motocicleta atropellada en Nueva Zelanda; la policía busca imágenes.
Two cyclists were seriously injured after being hit by a motorbike in Tikipunga, New Zealand, near the intersection of Puna Rere Drive and Rolling Stone Rise. Dos ciclistas resultaron gravemente heridos tras ser atropellados por una moto en Tikipunga, Nueva Zelanda, cerca de la intersección de Puna Rere Drive y Rolling Stone Rise. The crash happened around 3:05 pm, and the motorcyclist fled the scene. El accidente ocurrió alrededor de las 3:05 pm, y el motociclista huyó de la escena. The cyclists were taken to Whangārei Hospital. Los ciclistas fueron llevados al Hospital Whangarei. Police are seeking CCTV or dashcam footage to aid their investigation and identify the fleeing motorcyclist. La policía está buscando cámaras de seguridad para ayudar en su investigación e identificar al motociclista que huye.