Two men died and two were injured in a car crash on Bennetts Road, St. James, early Saturday. Dos hombres murieron y dos resultaron heridos en un accidente de coche en Bennetts Road, St. James, a principios del sábado.
Two men died and two others were injured in a car crash on Bennetts Road, St. James, early Saturday morning. Dos hombres murieron y otros dos resultaron heridos en un accidente de coche en Bennetts Road, St. James, temprano el sábado por la mañana. The car hit a utility pole, and the victims were aged between their 20s to 40s. El coche golpeó un poste de servicios públicos, y las víctimas tenían entre 20 y 40 años de edad. The road is closed as authorities investigate the cause of the accident. La carretera está cerrada cuando las autoridades investigan la causa del accidente.