Nine suspects, including four caught hiding stolen goods in a baby stroller, were arrested in Austin for shoplifting. Nueve sospechosos, entre ellos cuatro capturados escondiendo artículos robados en un cochecito de bebé, fueron arrestados en Austin por robar en tiendas.
Nine suspects were arrested in Austin, Texas, for shoplifting at Target, Kohl's, and Lowe's near Lakeline Mall. Nueve sospechosos fueron arrestados en Austin, Texas, por robar en Target, Kohl's y Lowe's cerca de Lakeline Mall. Four suspects tried to hide stolen items in a baby stroller. Cuatro sospechosos trataron de esconder objetos robados en un cochecito de bebé. Police recovered about $1,100 worth of goods from the stroller and another $1,200 from their car. La policía recuperó unos $1.100 de mercancía del cochecito y otros $1.200 de su coche. Melain Gomez, Alexis Garza, Jesus Jimenez-Gomez, and Jessica Gomez were charged with engaging in organized criminal activity. Melain Gómez, Alexis Garza, Jesús Jiménez Gómez, y Jessica Gómez fueron acusados de participar en actividades criminales organizadas.