Two trainee pilots died and two were injured in a car crash in Pune, India, suspected to involve alcohol. Dos pilotos en prácticas murieron y dos resultaron heridos en un accidente automovilístico en Pune, India, sospechosos de haber consumido alcohol.
Two trainee pilots were killed and two others injured in a car accident in Pune, India, early Monday morning. Dos pilotos en prácticas murieron y otros dos resultaron heridos en un accidente automovilístico en Pune, India, a principios de la mañana del lunes. The victims were students at the Redbird Flight Training Academy. Las víctimas eran estudiantes en la Academia de Entrenamiento de Vuelo Redbird. The accident occurred when their car crashed into a tree, allegedly after drinking. El accidente se produjo cuando su coche se estrelló contra un árbol, supuestamente después de beber. The deceased were 21-year-old Takshu Sharma and Aditya Kanse, while the injured include driver Krishna Singh and Cheshtha Bishnoi. Los fallecidos eran Takshu Sharma de 21 años y Aditya Kanse, mientras que los heridos incluían al conductor Krishna Singh y Cheshtha Bishnoi. Police are investigating the cause. La Policía está investigando la causa.