Nine people, including six students, were hospitalized after a school bus collided with a Jeep that failed to yield. Nueve personas, entre ellas seis estudiantes, fueron hospitalizadas después de que un autobús escolar chocara con un Jeep que no cedía.
A school bus carrying 41 R.B. Un autobús escolar que transportaba 41 R.B. Stall High School students collided with a Jeep in North Charleston, South Carolina, after the Jeep failed to yield the right of way. Los estudiantes de Stall High School chocaron con un Jeep en North Charleston, Carolina del Sur, después de que el Jeep falló en ceder el derecho de paso. The crash, which happened at 8:30 a.m. on Patriot Boulevard, resulted in nine people, including six students, being hospitalized. El accidente, que ocurrió a las 8:30 a.m. en Patriot Boulevard, resultó en nueve personas, incluyendo seis estudiantes, hospitalizados. The road was closed for about two and a half hours before reopening. La carretera estuvo cerrada durante unas dos horas y media antes de su reapertura. The Jeep driver was cited for the incident. El conductor del Jeep fue citado para el incidente.