Words "Deny," "defend," "depose" found on bullets used in Manhattan murder of U.S. health CEO. Palabras "Deny", "defender", "deponer" encontradas en balas usadas en el asesinato de Manhattan del CEO de salud de Estados Unidos.
According to an Associated Press source, ammunition used in the killing of a CEO of a major U.S. health insurance company had the words "Deny," "defend," and "depose" written on it. Según una fuente de Associated Press, las municiones utilizadas en el asesinato de un CEO de una importante compañía de seguros médicos de Estados Unidos tenían las palabras "Deny", "defender" y "deponer" escritas en ella. The murder took place in Manhattan, and the gunman was wearing a mask. El asesinato ocurrió en Manhattan, y el pistolero llevaba una máscara. The motive behind the crime remains unclear, and the investigation is ongoing. El motivo del crimen sigue sin estar claro, y la investigación está en curso.