Former murderer Lionel Carter III indicted for hiring men to kill his wife in Dale City. El ex asesino Lionel Carter III fue acusado de contratar a hombres para matar a su esposa en Dale City.
Lionel Melvin Carter III, 34, previously convicted for murder, has been indicted for orchestrating the murder-for-hire of his wife, Egypt Zapporah Carter, in Dale City. Lionel Melvin Carter III, de 34 años, condenado previamente por asesinato, ha sido acusado de orquestar el asesinato a sueldo de su esposa, Egypt Zapporah Carter, en Dale City. Carter, serving a 30-year sentence, allegedly hired three men to kill his wife, who was found shot in her car. Carter, que cumplía una condena de 30 años, presuntamente contrató a tres hombres para matar a su esposa, quien fue encontrada baleada en su automóvil. Denzel Scott Wade, Drew Courtney Buchanan, and Grorethas Gresean McKinnon Jr., the three alleged co-conspirators, are also in custody. Denzel Scott Wade, Drew Courtney Buchanan y Grorethas Gresean McKinnon Jr., los tres presuntos co-conspiradores, también están bajo custodia.