In a clash in Somalia, 11 soldiers were killed and 20 injured in an attack on al-Shabab militants. En un enfrentamiento en Somalia, 11 soldados resultaron muertos y 20 heridos en un ataque a militantes de al-Shabab.
In a recent clash near Wayaanta, Somalia, 11 government soldiers were killed and over 20 injured during an attack on al-Shabab militants. En un reciente enfrentamiento cerca de Wayaanta (Somalia), 11 soldados gubernamentales resultaron muertos y más de 20 heridos durante un ataque contra militantes de al-Shabab. The fighting, which occurred southwest of Kismayo, resulted in the deaths of more than 20 militants as well. Los combates, que ocurrieron al suroeste de Kismayo, también causaron la muerte de más de 20 militantes. Al-Shabab, linked to al-Qaeda, has been engaged in conflict with Somali governments since 2006 and continues to pose significant threats despite ongoing military efforts against them. Al-Shabab, vinculado a al-Qaeda, ha estado en conflicto con los gobiernos somalíes desde 2006 y sigue planteando amenazas importantes a pesar de los esfuerzos militares en curso contra ellos.