Republican John Thurston wins Arkansas State Treasurer race, securing 65% of the vote. El republicano John Thurston gana la carrera de Tesorero Estatal de Arkansas, asegurando el 65% de los votos.
Republican John Thurston has won the Arkansas State Treasurer race, securing 65% of the votes against Democrat John Pagan and Libertarian Michael Pakko. El republicano John Thurston ha ganado la carrera de Tesorero Estatal de Arkansas, asegurando el 65% de los votos contra el demócrata John Pagan y el libertario Michael Pakko. He will complete the remaining two years of the term previously held by the late Treasurer Mark Lowery. Completará los dos años restantes del mandato que ocupó anteriormente el difunto Tesorero Mark Lowery. Thurston, who has served as Secretary of State since 2018, plans to oversee the state’s $11 billion investment portfolio and expand programs like the 529 college savings plan. Thurston, que ha servido como Secretario de Estado desde 2018, planea supervisar la cartera de inversiones del estado de $11 mil millones y expandir programas como el plan de ahorro universitario 529. He will be sworn in on January 1st. Será juramentado el 1 de enero.