Former Miss Oregon teacher creates music-based language learning program for children post-brain injury, supported by Lane County HeadStart, Umpqua Bank, and trained teachers. La ex maestra de Miss Oregon crea un programa de aprendizaje de idiomas basado en la música para niños post-lesión cerebral, apoyado por Lane County HeadStart, Umpqua Bank, y maestros capacitados.
Emily Cadiz, a former Miss Oregon and special educator, created "Sing to Read with Finnegan and Friends" to help children learn language through music after she regained her speech post-brain injury. Emily Cadiz, una ex Miss Oregon y educadora especial, creó "Cantar para leer con Finnegan y Friends" para ayudar a los niños a aprender el lenguaje a través de la música después de recuperar su lesión post-cerebro del habla. The program combines singing and games to stimulate both sides of the brain. El programa combina canto y juegos para estimular ambos lados del cerebro. Lane County HeadStart will integrate this tool into its curriculum with support from Umpqua Bank, and teachers have participated in training to implement it effectively. Lane County HeadStart integrará esta herramienta en su currículo con el apoyo del Umpqua Bank, y los profesores han participado en la capacitación para implementarla eficazmente.