Villanova defeats Youngstown State 24-17 in season opener, with Connor Watkins key contributions. Villanova derrota a Youngstown State 24-17 en apertura de temporada, con contribuciones clave de Connor Watkins.
In their season opener, Villanova defeated Youngstown State 24-17, with Connor Watkins contributing significantly with 197 total yards and 2 touchdowns. En su apertura de temporada, Villanova derrotó a Youngstown State 24-17, con Connor Watkins contribuyendo significativamente con 197 yardas totales y 2 touchdowns. Despite a strong second half by Youngstown, Villanova maintained their lead, securing the win with a 62-yard punt and an interception. A pesar de una fuerte segunda mitad por Youngstown, Villanova mantuvo su ventaja, asegurando la victoria con un punt de 62 yardas y una interceptación. This game was a rematch of last year's playoff game where Villanova won 45-28. Este juego fue una revancha del juego de playoffs del año pasado donde Villanova ganó 45-28.