47-year-old John O'Sullivan stole €13,500 mistakenly transferred into his account, agrees to repay in installments to avoid suspended jail sentence.

47-year-old John O'Sullivan from Limerick stole €13,500 from his former employer, Richardsons Foods, after the money was mistakenly transferred into his bank account. He initially told the company he would only pay back €2,000 after he had spent the rest on gambling and children's toys. The judge granted an application by the State to apply to the courts for the suspended sentence to be activated if O'Sullivan does not repay the balance within the given time frame. O'Sullivan has already repaid €7,000 and has agreed to repay the remaining €6,500 in weekly €50 installments. If he fails to do so within the given time frame, the court could activate the suspended jail sentence.

August 02, 2024
11 Articles

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