Romance drama "The Midnight Romance in Hagwon" stars Wi Ha Joon and Jung Ryeo Won, and its penultimate episode achieves a 3.9% nationwide average rating. El drama romántico "The Midnight Romance in Hagwon" está protagonizado por Wi Ha Joon y Jung Ryeo Won, y su penúltimo episodio logra una calificación promedio a nivel nacional del 3,9%.
"The Midnight Romance in Hagwon," starring Wi Ha Joon and Jung Ryeo Won, tops its time slot with strong ratings ahead of its finale. "The Midnight Romance in Hagwon", protagonizada por Wi Ha Joon y Jung Ryeo Won, encabeza su franja horaria con fuertes índices de audiencia antes de su final. The penultimate episode scored an impressive nationwide average rating of 3.9%, according to Nielsen Korea. El penúltimo episodio obtuvo una impresionante calificación promedio a nivel nacional del 3,9%, según Nielsen Korea. The romance drama revolves around Seo Hye Jin, a veteran academic instructor, and her former student, Lee Jun Ho, who returns to his alma mater as an instructor. El drama romántico gira en torno a Seo Hye Jin, una instructora académica veterana, y su ex alumno, Lee Jun Ho, quien regresa a su alma mater como instructor.