Three men were wounded in a shooting in New York. Tres hombres resultaron heridos en un tiroteo en Nueva York.
Three men were wounded in a shooting outside a bar in Harlem, New York early Sunday morning. Tres hombres resultaron heridos en un tiroteo afuera de un bar en Harlem, Nueva York, la madrugada del domingo. The incident occurred at Just Lorraine's Place 2 on Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulevard around 4 a.m. El incidente ocurrió en Just Lorraine's Place 2 en Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulevard alrededor de las 4 a.m. The three victims, aged 21, 39, and 46, were found with bullet wounds to their legs and were taken to nearby hospitals in stable condition. Las tres víctimas, de 21, 39 y 46 años, fueron encontradas con heridas de bala en las piernas y trasladadas a hospitales cercanos en condición estable. Police are searching for the suspect, who fled the scene on foot. La policía está buscando al sospechoso, quien huyó del lugar a pie.