Holly Willoughby, co-hosting "Dancing on Ice," wears dazzling gold dress but won't skate due to contract. Holly Willoughby, co-anfitriona de "Dancing on Ice", lleva un vestido de oro deslumbrante, pero no patina por contrato.
Holly Willoughby, 43, has been praised for her dazzling gold dress on ITV's "Dancing on Ice," where she co-hosts with Stephen Mulhern. Holly Willoughby, de 43 años, ha sido elogiada por su deslumbrante vestido de oro en el "Dancing on Ice" de ITV, donde co-anfitriona con Stephen Mulhern. Despite the compliments, Willoughby has stated she won't skate on the show due to contractual reasons, though she's open to standing still. A pesar de los cumplidos, Willoughby ha declarado que no patinará en el show por razones contractuales, aunque está abierta a quedarse quieta. The show continues to draw attention, with Willoughby's fashion choices often discussed, including a recent dress that received mixed reviews for being too revealing for a family program. El espectáculo sigue llamando la atención, con las elecciones de moda de Willoughby a menudo discutidas, incluyendo un vestido reciente que recibió críticas mixtas por ser demasiado revelador para un programa familiar.